Crispy noodles are great for stir fry. The noodles soak up the sauce and give a nice texture contrast to the rest of the ingredients. To me, each bite is a delightful surprise; some parts are crunchier and some parts are saucier. Being patient with frying noodles is the only hurdle to overcome in this simple dish.
For the latest COVID 19 Home Cooking Series:
Cantonese Crispy Noodle Stir Fry with Fried Egg
Serves: 2 adults & 2 children
Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Total Time: 40 Minutes
4 servings of dried Asian dried noodles
*Could substitute with angel hair Italian dried pasta
8 cup quartered Button Mushrooms
2 cup thinly sliced Carrots, on bias
10 cup (2 + 1/2 quart) medium diced Savoy Cabbage
4 cup sliced onions, in strips
6 cup sliced celery, on bias
5 t Salt, or to taste
1 Tablespoon crushed Black Pepper, or to taste
2 teaspoon dried chilies, or to taste
4 Fried Eggs
1 cup Chicken Stock
1 tablespoon Corn Starch Slurry (mix 1 teaspoon corn starch with 2 teaspoon water)
Few springs of Cilantro, for garnish
- Using a medium pot to bring a pot of water up to a boil and cook noodles until al dente. (Took me about 2 minutes and 30 seconds) Drain and toss in some canola oil. Set aside and cool. Portion noodles to 200g per portion
- Stir fry each individual vegetables separately or together depending on the size of your skillet. Season the vegetables as you go. Mix everything at the end and adjust seasoning to taste
- Reduce chicken stock by almost half and add corn starch slurry to thicken the sauce. Add stir fried vegetables to the sauce and stir to combine
- To make crispy noodles, use a non-stick skillet and pour enough oil to form a thin layer. Turn stove to medium high and heat up the oil until it shimmers. Form each portion noodles into a disk on a serving plate. Slide the noodles from the plate into the skillet and shallow fry them on medium heat. After few minutes, you should be able to move around the noodles in a disk. Flip noodles over when the first side is nice and golden brown. Cook the other side until golden brown as well. Drain the noodles on a rack or tilt it on the side in a tray. Season with salt.
- To make fried eggs, add 2 tablespoon of oil for every egg. Crack the eggs into the skillet on high heat and cook until the sides are crispy. Spoon hot oil over egg whites to make Sunny Side Up Eggs. Spoon hot oil over both yolks and whites to make Over Easy Eggs
- To serve, place each crispy noodles in the center of the plates and pile on the stir fry on 1 side and place the eggs on the other side. Garnish with cilantro. Bon Appétit!