I love using puff pastry to create a quick meal. Simply add some caramelized onions and feta cheese to the pastry and bake it until nice golden brown and crispy, I promise that you will bring comfort and joy to the table. On the side, make a healthy and delicious salad, Tabbouleh. Tabbouleh tastes earthy with an abundance of chopped parsley and is balanced with fresh lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil. Together, this meal is delightful and leaves you feeling energized.
For the latest New Lifestyle Cooking Series:
Onion Tart with Feta Cheese, and Tabbouleh
Serves: 4 portions
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 45 minutes
For Caramelized Onions:
1/4 cup canola oil, or any cooking oil
8 cups sliced onions
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 cup water
To Assemble the tart:
2 pieces of puff pastry, cut in halves
caramelized onions, from the above recipe
1/2 cup ricotta cheese
1 cup Feta Cheese
2 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves
1/4 cup EVOO, for brushing the sides
For Tabbouleh:
4 tablespoons soaked bulgur
4 tablespoons chopped tomatoes
2 tablespoon finely chopped scallions
3 cup chopped Parsley
2 cloves fresh finely grated garlic
2 tablespoons lemon juice, adjust to taste
1/4 cup EVOO, adjust to taste
2 teaspoons salt, adjust to taste
- Pre-heat oven at 400F
- To caramelize onions, heat up a pot on medium high heat and add oil. Once the oil starts to shimmer, add onions and salt. Stir the onions around.
- Turn heat down to medium and stir the onions around occasionally. Once onions are getting browned and sticking to the bottom of the pot, pour couple tablespoons of water at a time and scrape up the brown bits. Onions are ready when they are soft and dark brown. Set aside
- Meanwhile, make tabbouleh. Boil 1 and 1/2 cup of water and pour it over 1/2 cup of bulgur and cover for 20 minutes. Fluff the bulgur and drain off excess liquid and let cool.
- Chop parsley until nice and fine. Mix in tomatoes, scallions, grated garlic, and bulgur. Season with salt, lemon juice, and EVOO. Set aside in the refrigerator.
- To prep the puff pastries, score around the pastries on the surfaces, leaving 1-inch space from the sides. Dock the pastries inside the borders and add few dollops of ricotta cheese. Brush the sides of the pastries with EVOO
- Bake in the oven for 18 minutes until light golden brown. Take the tarts out of the oven, spread caramelized onions across the top, and follow by sprinkling feta cheese. Brush the sides with EVOO again.
- Put the tarts back in the oven for 6 more minutes until the onions are warmed and the outside is more golden brown. To garnish, sprinkle thyme leaves on top of the tarts and drizzle olive oil around. Serve hot or at room temperature with tabbouleh. Bon Appétit!